Though business conditions may change, and financial institutions and regulations may change, human nature remains essentially the same.
Never recommend investors to sell good shares because eventually you will be wrong.
Nothing is unchanged, except change itself.
Even the biggest companies can fail, especially when a weak ceo takes over from an absolute chieftain.
Many in the lower ranks had to pack their bags and look elsewhere for employment.
Can I give it one more advice. I just want to echo the chief executive about. As a entrepreneur, my last tips is that don't wait for the environment to be ready. Don't wait for all the policy ready. When everything's ready, there is no opportunity for you.You have to move faster before the government takes action. You know if I do this. If the government says everything's ready, you should move to the other area because that is no chance for you. Right.s Remember that! By Jack Ma
They succeed because of the mistakes. I encouraging all the young people, entrepreneurs to learn from the mistakes and do not study successful stories.
It is time to release everybody to dinner. You've been a great audience. Thank You very much.